電気系工学専攻 矢谷研究室 周 中一さん(D4)がUbiComp2023にてGaetano Student Awardのファイナリストに選ばれました。

Finalist for 2023 UbiComp Gaetano Outstanding Student Award
This award recognizes “a student who is making outstanding research contributions to, and provides leadership in, the field of Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing”. This year, the committee selected one winner and three finalists from applicants worldwide.
My research studies Ubiquitous AI from the perspective of Machine Teaching. I have created applications that enable AI to teach humans as well as empower humans to intuitively teach AI.
In the future, I will continue my research in this field and bring more exciting research projects to the community.
Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student Award: