WINGS : World-leading INnovative Graduate Study Program


WINGS (World-leading INnovative Graduate Study Program)  is a master-doctoral degree program created through a collaboration among graduate schools, etc., to foster doctoral-level researchers who contribute their high-level research ability and expertise to human society. The program seeks outstanding talent by utilizing the University of Tokyo’s attractive world-leading research system and fosters superior doctoral-level researchers through cutting-edge educational and research guidance, by taking advantage of the characteristics of the respective graduate school. Please visit their website or contact the program office to learn more details. 

The following is the list of WINGS programs that accept applications from Graduate School of Engineering students (as of November 1, 2022). Please visit their website or contact the program office to learn more details.



WINGS lead by Graduate School of Engineering

World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program - Co-designing Future Society (WINGS-CFS)

Afflication of eligiable students : All departments and education programs


World-leading Innovative Graduate Study program for Materials Research,Information, and Technology (MERIT-WINGS)

Afflication of eligiable students : Applied Physics,Materials Engineering,Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Applied Chemistry, Chemical System Engineering, Chemistry and Biotechnology, Bioengineering


World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program in Gerontology: Global Leadership Initiative for Age-Friendly Society(WINGS-GLAFS)

Afflication of eligiable students : All departments and education programs


World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program for Quantum and Semiconductor Science & Technology Program (WINGS-QSTEP)   

Afflication of eligiable students : Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Precision Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Management, Bioengineering, Materials Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Chemical System Engineering



WINGS lead by Other Graduate Schools

International Graduate Program of Innovation for Intelligent World

Lead Graduate School : Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Afflication of eligiable students : All departments and education programs


World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program in Proactive Environmental Studies (WINGS-PES)

Lead Graduate School : Graduate School of Frontier Science

Afflication of eligiable students : All departments and education programs


World-leading Innovative Graduate Study for Frontiers of Mathematical Sciences and Physics (WINGS-FMSP)

Lead Graduate School : Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences

Afflication of eligiable students : All departments and education programs


World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program for Life Science and Technology (WINGS-LST)

[WISE Program (adopted in AY2018)]

Lead Graduate School : Graduate School of Medicine

Afflication of eligiable students : Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Precision Engineering, Materials Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Chemical System Engineering, Chemistry and Biotechnology, Nuclear Engineering and Management


World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program on Global Leadership for Social Design and Management (WINGS-GSDM)

Lead Graduate School : Graduate School of Public Policy

Afflication of eligiable students : Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,

Precision Engineering, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Systems Innovation, Chemical System Engineering, Technology Management for Innovation


World-leading Innovative Graduate Study: Advanced Business Law Program (WINGS-ABLP)

[WISE Program (adopted in AY2019)]

Lead Graduate School : Graduate Schools for Law and Politics

Afflication of eligiable students : Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Engineering, Systems Innovation, Chemical System Engineering, Technology Management for Innovation


Forefront Physics and Mathematics Program to Drive Transformation (FoPM)

[WISE Program (adopted in AY2019)]

Lead Graduate School : Graduate School of Science

Afflication of eligiable students : Applied Physics


International Graduate Program for Excellence in Earth-Space Science (IGPEES)

Lead Graduate School : Graduate School of Science

Afflication of eligiable students : Aeronautics and Astronautics


World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program of Advanced Basic science Course(WINGS-ABC)

Lead Graduate School : Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Afflication of eligiable students : Student whose thesis supervisor's primary appointment is with the Institute of Industrial Science or the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology




Related Links

WINGS (World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program) -The University of Tokyo-

WISE Program(MEXT*-supported "Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education") 

 *MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology