- Award
- 2024
Project Researcher Hiroyuki Kamata, Department of Chemistry & Biotechnology, recieved Excellent Presentation Award (Industry) The 104th Annual Meeting, The Chemical Society of Japan
On 23rd April 2024, Project Researcher Hiroyuki Kamata, Sakai Lab., Department of Chemistry & Biotechnology, recieved Excellent Presentation Award (Industry) The 104th Annual Meeting, The Chemical Society of Japan.
Excellent Presentation Award (Industry), The 104th Annual Meeting, The Chemical Society of Japan
The Industry/Academia Exchange Committee of the Chemical Society of Japan has been presenting the Encouragement Award since the 72nd CSJ Annual Meeting in 1996 for the purpose of encouraging research activities of young researchers, and has been presenting the award since 2008 under the new name of Excellent Presentation Award (Industry). Since 2012, the award has been given exclusively to ATP posters presented in Advanced Technology Program (ATP); since 2020, to posters presented in Co-Innovation Program (CIP). The Excellent Presentation Award (Industry) is given to a presentation on a basic or practical concept, idea, experimental method, or experimental result that is expected to contribute to industry, in which the presenter's initiative and contribution to research are outstanding, and which is expected to have the potential for further development of research activities in the future. The award is presented under the name of the chairman of the Chemical Society of Japan.
About awarded research
Hemostatic agents on the market still have problems with the risk of infection and reduced effectiveness due to antithrombotic drugs. In this study, we developed a synthetic hydrogel-based body fluid solidification liquid that does not depend on the blood coagulation reaction of the living body. The liquid consists of two polyethylene glycol (PEG) derivatives with thiol and maleimide ends, which remain liquid in a weakly acidic state and solidify immediately in a neutral state. However, this liquid alone proved ineffective in a rat massive bleeding model. Therefore, we worked on the development of a synthetic method for bioresorbable PEG sponges that can maintain the liquid in a weakly acidic state, establishing a new process. These sponges are produced simply by polymerizing PEG derivatives in a high salt concentration environment. Finally, applying the sponge containing the body fluid solidification liquid to a bleeding area demonstrated high efficacy without dilution, even in cases of massive bleeding. We believe the outcomes of this research are significantly important for developing new hemostatic materials capable of managing massive bleeding.
Your impression & future plan
Using simple chemistry, we have established a universal principle for the coagulation of any neutral body fluid. This research achievement would not have been possible without the guidance and cooperation of all our collaborators. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude once again. Encouraged by this award, I will continue to pursue the establishment of academic theory related to the developed materials and their application in the industry.