Lecture series for Junior and Senior High Schools: Tsurumaru High School in Kagoshima Prefecture


On 7 July 2023, the lecture was held at Tsurumaru High School in Kagoshima Prefecture and was well attended by students, parents, and teachers.  The talk presented a wide range of research being carried out in the Faculty of Engineering and the message to the audience was "Don't assume it has to be this way and don't hesitate to take up the challenge!".  The slides were presented so smoothly that not only the students but also the parents and teachers were fascinated by his talk. 

There were many comments from the students who attended, such as "I learned about the ways in which working will change as a result of the spread of AI, which will help me choose my future career path" and "I realised that it is important to learn the basics as if it were a muscle exercise".


Midori Aoki (Metaverse School of Engineering)



