Young faculty : Associate Professor Hideki Yoshioka

Young  Faculty / 071


Associate Professor Hideki Yoshioka, Yoshioka laboratory, Department of Architecture




<  Biography >

March 2006, PhD in Engineering, The University of Tokyo

April 2006, Administrator, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and TransportMLIT, Japan

April 2007, Research Engineer, Building Research Institute (BRI), Japan

July 2011, Senior Researcher, National Institute for Land Infrastructure Management (NILIM), Japan

April 2020, Senior Research Engineer, Building Research Institute (BRI), Japan

April 2022, Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo


< About the research >

Fire engineering has been traditionally comprised of “fire resistance” and “reaction to fire”, being reflected into the fire safety of buildings. With respect to the façade fire of Grenfell Tower of London in 2017, such an intensive façade fire was observed at a fire-resistant wall. Furthermore, at some domestic fires in Japan, some fire preventive materials which are supposed to have some reaction-to-fire performance, were severely burned to contribute to fire spreading. Those fires have revealed the limitation of traditional fire engineering and safety measures. With this latest situation on my mind, currently following projects are being studied by my research team: fire spread of combustible facades, sustainability of fire-retardant treated wooden facades, fires of sandwich panel products, fires caused by hot works during building construction, toxicity of fire effluents generated during the building fires, and large urban fire spread caused by either major earthquake or high wind, etc.





< Future Aspirations >

In conjunction with other fire researchers both domestically and internationally, I will continue my research to produce innovation in fire engineering, resulting in the enhancement of fire safety for buildings.


< URL >

Department of  Architecture Hideki Yoshioka  :

The University of Tokyo School of Engineering BME lab.: