On 16th March 2023, Kosuke Nemoto (B4), Department of Chemical System Engineering, received SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting Student Encouragement Award.

SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting Student Encouragement Award
Among poster presentations by students, the research and presenters were comprehensively evaluated by industry, academia, and government judges, and were awarded to those who were in the top 5% of all the presenters.
About awarded research
Pharmaceuticals contain multiple excipients to enhance their functionality. Empirical knowledge has played an important role in determining excipients. On the other hand, global supply has become a serious issue recently. Several studies have assessed the supply of pharmaceutical materials, e.g., model-based minimization of cost/environmental impacts. However, there is no common approach for the evaluation of supply stability for pharmaceutical materials. In this work, a decision-support method for pharmaceutical excipients was newly developed that can consider the supply stability based on quantitative evaluations. The results of this research are expected to contribute to the stable supply of pharmaceuticals.
Your impression & future plan
With the huge support of Prof. Hirokazu Sugiyama and the laboratory members, I was able to advance my research. I am very honored to receive such an award at my first conference. I would like to further develop my research in the master’s program encouraged by this award.