On 11th October 2022, it was announced that Distinguished University Professor Makoto Fujita, Department of Applied Chemistry, has been awarded the Grand Prize of France’s “House of Chemistry Foundation”. The award ceremony will be held in Paris next February.

Grand Prize of the House of Chemistry Foundation (Le Grand Prix 2022 de la Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie)
The French "House of Chemistry Foundation" selects the Grand Prize for original chemical research that contributes to human beings, life, society, or nature. This award is presented to one or more individuals regardless of nationality. In 2022—the 18th year of this award—Professor Fujita will be jointly awarded with Professor Klaus Müllen of the Max Planck Institute in Germany. The 50,000 Euro prize will be split between the two winners.
The award was announced in October this year, and the award ceremony will be held in Paris in February next year. The two awardees are creating new construction principles and methods for large-scale molecular structures.
・House of Chemistry Foundation (French):https://actions.maisondelachimie.com/les-prix-de-la-fondation/grand-prix-de-la-fondation/les-laureats-de-lannee/
・FUJITA Laboratory: http://fujitalab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/home_e/