Message from the Dean


Message from the Dean

  I am Takao Someya, the Dean of the School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo. As the New Year unfolds, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to our community and address some of my thoughts.
  In light of the increasingly serious impact of COVID-19 on society, we, the School of Engineering, have set the goal of "resuming our regular activities as close to 100% as possible while reducing the risk of infection as close to zero as possible." I would like to thank all the members who have contributed significantly toward achieving this vision. Engineering is an academic system that not only seeks the truth, but also solutions for social issues. Needless to say, people are currently in a difficult situation. I ask you to consider the damage inflicted on society as your own and reflect on how engineering could be used to solve the problems we are facing.
  In addition to infectious disease control, there are numerous other social issues that engineering should immediately address: for example, improving the quality of life for an aging society, preparing for large-scale natural disasters brought about by climate change, and working toward a carbon-free society. Last year, Japan declared that it would "achieve carbon neutrality by 2050." In order to create a positive cycle of economy and environment, it is essential to facilitate innovations such as highly efficient renewable energy and carbon recycling systems. In order to encourage behavioral changes in people for a better society, it is also necessary to develop a new social system through digital transformation.
  For this purpose, we should make the best use of the comprehensive knowledge of the university beyond the framework of conventional engineering, while enhancing basic science and technology. The School of Engineering aims to accelerate the promotion of diversity and bring together the knowledge of people from various specialties who possess their own set of values. From this perspective, I will work with our community toward developing an ideal environment for education and research where the happiness of all the members is the highest in the world.
  I hope you all have a better year.