On 26th July 2018, Masanori Hirano(B4), Department of Systems Innovation, received Student Incentive Award (2018) in the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) 32nd Annual Conference.
Award to honor students who made excellent presentations at JSAI Annual Conference.
<About awarded research>
Title:Effects Analysis of CAR Regulations on Financial Markets using Artificial Market Simulations
Introduction:This study about the effect of the financial regulatory like CAR regulation in Basel II.
Using artificial financial market simulation, we assess the destabilizing impact of the regulation on markets.
It is an honor to win this award. Thanks to those who support my research and I will continue to do my best on researches.
https://www.ai-gakkai.or.jp/jsai2018/ (Japanese only)
https://www.ai-gakkai.or.jp/about/award/jsai_award-conf-s/#CONFERENCE_S (Japanese only)