- Research
- 2018
Young Faculty:Associate Professor Hirotaka Ejima
Young Faculty / 013
Associate Professor Hirotaka Ejima,Ejima laboratory, Department of Materials Engineering
2006.03 B.Sci., Department of Chemistry, School of Science, the University of Tokyo
2008.03 M.Eng., Department of Chemistry & Biotechnology, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
2011.03 Ph.D., Department of Chemistry & Biotechnology, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
2011.04–2013.09 Postdoctoral Fellow, Nanostructured Interfaces and Materials Science Group, The University of Melbourne, Australia
2013.10–2016.11 Research Associate, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
2016.12–present Associate Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, the University of Tokyo
<About the research>
Our research focuses on the design, synthesis, and engineering of polymers, learning from how nature makes functional materials evolved over millions of years. Our long-term research goal is to create our own new materials by transforming the molecular design principles developed by nature to synthetic systems and contributing to the advancement of science and technology. In the short-term, we are conducting research projects on bioinspired materials such as, (1) Plant-based, eco-friendly adhesives, (2) Maintenance-free materials with a self-healing ability, (3) Tunicate-inspired surgical glues, (4) Cells and extracellular vesicles engineering for targeted therapeutic delivery.
<Future aprirations>
I want to contribute somehow to the reduction of environmental pollution and the realization of advanced medical technology by creating original materials. Through the research experience, I want to convey the importance of people-to-people connections and creative activities to young students.
Ejima laboratory: