On April 5 - 6, 2018, the Global Center for Innovation in Engineering Education (GCIEE) and the Center for Project-Oriented Engineering Education held “The S1S2 Combined Orientation Session for Campus Experience Seminar, Research Project Seminar, and Academic Frontier Lecture” for Freshman and Sophomore to show what the Faculty of Engineering can provide.
Dean Okubo made remarks on both dates.
April 5, 2018 @ 18:45~(6th period)Campus Experience Seminar: 29 project based lectures
April 6, 2018 @ 18:45~(6th period)Campus Research Project Seminar: 7 small-class subjects
Academic Frontier Lecture: exposition of work in cutting-edge research areas; 6 topics
Place: Komaba I, Building 7, Room 743
Global Center for Innovation in Engineering Education (GCIEE): http://gciee.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/

Remarks from Dean Okubo