Graduate Schools


In graduate school, earning a master's degree requires completing over 30 credits and earning a doctoral degree requires completing over 20 credits in lectures, exercises and research. The further scholars advance, lectures and the like decrease, and laboratory research for master theses and doctoral dissertations increasingly takes a central role. Scholars thus receive personalized research guidance from their laboratory supervisors, participate in joint research, and become devoted to study and research on a daily basis.
In addition to conducting research in the laboratories during graduate school, scholars more often than develop strong relationships with upper and lower classmen, and graduate school departments provide many recreational activities such as hiking in the spring and autumn, swimming in the summer, skiing in the winter and the like as well.
Faculty of Engineering graduates primarily continue their education in the following 4 graduate schools.

School of Engineering



The School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo has a standard two-year master's degree course and three-year doctoral degree course. It is possible for those achieving excellent results to shorten their enrollment period to complete both the master’s and doctoral degrees.
The School of Engineering consists of eighteen departments. Among those are the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, and the Nuclear Professional School established in 2005, the Department of Bioengineering, and the Department of Technology Management for Innovation established in 2006, and the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Systems Innovation established in 2008. The School of Medicine and the School of Engineering established the academic Cooperative Medicine and Engineering Program in 2005 as well.
Admission to the School of Engineering is open to college graduates from around the nation, and no discrepancy is made between those from Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo and those from other universities who are all administered the same entrance examination.
In addition to faculty members in the Faculty of Engineering, education is conducted by faculty members from other departments corresponding with given majors, from the University of Tokyo Institute of Industrial Science (Komaba), Institute for Solid State Properties (Kashiwa), Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (Komaba), and Earthquake Research Institute, as well as from extramural facilities with connections to the University of Tokyo such as the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Institute of Space and Astronautical Science and the National Institute of Informatics and the like. Like School of Engineering faculty members, these faculty members present lectures, conduct exercises, and provide in research guidance.
In addition, we have accreditation agreements with the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Saitama University and the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies. We have exchange programs with forty-five other universities including those overseas in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, China, Korea, Thailand, Brazil, New Zealand, Russia, Turkey, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Australia, Sri Lanka, Finland, Canada, Singapore, Denmark and Vietnam among others, and exchange takes place every year.
The School of Engineering has a large number of exchange students enrolled in master's programs, doctoral programs, graduate research students, and international graduate research students. Although their countries and regions of origin span the globe, many of them come from China, Korea, India, Thailand and Taiwan. Since exchange students not only study and conduct research closely alongside but also often engage in extracurricular activities with Japanese students, as well as of course having research results in common, there are numerous opportunities for cultural exchange and sharing goodwill between their home countries and Japan.

The School of Engineering :

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

The Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (IST) was newly established at the University of Tokyo in April 2001 to augment the foundation for information science and technology in the 21st century and to develop new concepts. The IST consists of six departments: Computer Science, Mathematical Informatics, Information Physics & Computing, Information & Communication Engineering, Mechano-Informatics, and Creative Informatics; and to strengthen collaboration with industry, strategic IT and biotechnological information processing courses taught by visiting professors have also been established.
Information is the foundation for the society- knowledge axis in the 21st century, and its research and education needs to be enriched and enlarged both in extent and depth. As the reliance on information science and technology in society, industry, and personal life increases, to acquire an adequate foundation of knowledge with society, we are expected to lead industry by strengthening basic fields, improving the foundation, and creating new ideas and science and technology that traverse traditional academic discipline boundaries. Thus, we need to offer a method for constructing an advanced intelligent information system, a sort of central nervous system for society, and make further strides in developing society into the future.
Although the organization related to information sciences in science and technology courses at the University of Tokyo previously placed it in departments in the School of Science and the School of Engineering, in response to the matters outlined above the graduate schools were reorganized and restructured into a new school, IST. In this way, we realize a flexibility that allows new progress backed by functional role sharing and scale merit, as well as effective integration and the consolidation of information-related education and research towards a new era. And with a close collaborative relationship with industry, we strive to produce advanced research results and foster talented individuals who are capable of demonstrating leadership in a globalized world.

The Graduate School of Information Science and Technology :

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences is an independent graduate school that has no undergraduate faculty affiliation. The Kashiwa Campus, which forms the third bastion following the Hongo Campus and Komaba Campus, is the base of departmental activity.
In the School of Frontier Sciences, three divisions were established to pioneer new fields based upon the basic concept of a transdisciplinary study of science. Namely, these three divisions are the Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences in which new academic fields that subsequently become the foundation for the engineering and physics frontier are created; the Division of Biosciences in which both the structure and function of life, as well as at various levels from a molecule up to a specimen are grasped through advanced education and research; and the Division of Environmental Studies in which the environment encompassing humanity is analyzed from the viewpoints of nature, culture, and society and education and research required for policy planning and technology development for mankind are conducted.


The Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences has three departments: Materials Science, Advanced Energy, and Complexity Science and Engineering; the Division of Biosciences has two departments: Integrated Biosciences, and Computational Biology and Medical Sciences; the Division of Environmental Studies has six departments: Natural Environmental Studies, Ocean Technology, Environmental Systems, Human and Engineered Environmental Studies, Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, and International Studies. Additionally, there is the Department of Computational Biology in which information and measurement technologies that are the foundation of next-generation bioscience are developed through research that captures life phenomena from an information science perspective. Many faculty members in these departments concurrently work in the Faculty of Engineering, and many students are accepted from the Faculty of Engineering.

The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences :

The University of Tokyo III / GSII

The dual structure comprising the III and GSII began its existence in the year 2000. It is a flexible network-like organization for graduate-level research and education that seeks to bind together the various fields of research related to “information” previously carried out separately in different departments of the University of Tokyo. It is structured in such a way that its two main components (III and GSII) work in tandem while retaining their separate identities as organizations devoted to research and education respectively. Together they form a creative and innovative structure for the pursuit of advanced research and education in all areas of the broad academic field of information studies.


Information is bringing about radical change in all areas of human civilization, including consciouness and behavior, life and the body, society and culture, technology and art, industry and the political economy, law and policy, and international relations and the environment. The very structure of academic knowledge is also being transformed. There are calls for a “restructuring of knowledge” based on the common language of “information”. It is therefore the mission of the III/GSII to pursue advanced research and education that reformulates “knowledge” around the node of “information”. By exploring all aspects of a broadly conceived field of “information studies”, the aim is to contribute purposefully to the “restructuring of knowledge” with a commitment to the public nature of knowledge.

The University of Tokyo III and GSII :