Department of Civil Engineering
In the Department of Civil Engineering, in order to resolve various issues related to global warming and energy, education and research focuses include natural energy use, waste recycling, and energy conservation. We nurture talented individuals with the capacity to make environmental and energy policies, develop technologies for the advanced use of natural energies, and promote the transfer and diffusion of energy-saving technology to developing nations.
In addition to providing diverse lectures on fundamental theories for comprehending resources and energy supporting modern society, innovations for overcoming fossil fuel dependency, and social systems for shifting to a carbon-free economy, we also aim to realize a sustainable society through graduation research on topics such as developing offshore wind power generation systems, strategies for implementing waste recycling technologies, and policy recommendations for ESCO businesses in developing nations.
Department of Urban Engineering
Energy supports and maintains human activity. Even when consumption is at its final point, when looking at the overall life cycle, investments in various forms of energy are essential. Fossil fuels like petroleum and coal are currently the primary sources of energy, but their use brings various environmental impacts which include greenhouse gasses. To build a sustainable society from here on out, we must urgently consider the types and amounts of energy that can be used.
In this department, we use methods such as life cycle assessment to quantify the environmental impact of emissions resulting from energy use in assorted human activities, and we conduct research to evaluate environmental impact reduction effects for alternative energy measures that include solar, wind, and waste heat recovery power generation, as well as biofuel production. Additionally, it can be said that the Department of Urban Engineering is unique in its comprehensive examination of the impact of the introduction of these alternative energies on the economy, society, human consciousness and behavior.
Lessons and training offered in the Department of Urban Engineering range from the fundamental energy-related technologies to environmental impact quantification methods such as for greenhouse gasses, making it possible to foster a stance for evaluating the impact of energy use on the economy and society.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
In the Department of Mechanical Engineering, we aim to foster talented individuals with a fundamental knowledge of dynamics (the four dynamics) who are able to consider how best to match fossil fuels and renewable energies in realizing a sustainable society and propose alternative energy systems. Research on heat and flow phenomena and combustion associated with energy conversion equipment such as engines, gas turbines, heat pumps, as well as on the mechanisms and control systems that regulate them, is conducted from a conventional mechanical engineering stance. We aim to further advance fuel cell research which includes the effective use of renewal energies including sunlight, wind power and biomass, various technologies, high-efficiency energy conversion equipment, and state-of-the-art measurement technology for these, as well as simulation technology research to reproduce differing atomic and electron phenomena on a variety of spatiotemporal scales. Furthermore, in the field of energy we also offer manufacturing experience exercises that integrate knowledge, designs and prototypes, and we promote creativity based on fundamental knowledge.
Department of Mechano-Informatics
In recent years, there has been a cry for the efficient use of energy, and requisites for that, instrumentation, perception and control, are mechano-informatics strengths. The intelligent machines mechano-informatics strives for not only integrate varied information in intelligent information processing but based on those results they also feature an influence the real world. Taking HEMS (Home Energy Management System) as an example, microscopic sensors and the like accurately measure indoor conditions and the inhabitants’ lifestyle, a vast amount of data measured at multiple points is properly recognized, an added actuator physically influences each component to improve the environment, and the integration of all this requires the creation of a system. In addition to lectures such as mechatronics and robotics, the department has structured robot control and robot system training sessions so that the above-mentioned items can be understood in a systematic manner.
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Making all sorts of energy conversion equipment used in the field of aeronautics and astronautics, including gas turbines, highly efficient and fuel diversified is crucial for ensuring a reliable supply of energy in the future, and these technologies also have a significant impact on carbon reduction.
In this department, we offer lectures and design training sessions for mastering the fundamental knowledge that contributes to ensuring the optimal integration of these systems, and the utmost efficiency, and safety of the component equipment.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
In order to realize an environmentally friendly society, it is not possible to consider information and communications technology separately. Information and communications technology is used to estimate and measure environmental information in offices, stores, production, distribution, transportation and the like, and CO2 emissions can be reduced by linking improved energy utilization, optimized the manufacture and consumption of goods, and a reduced movement of people and goods. In the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, we promote efforts to reduce CO2 emissions with the utilization of information and communications technology throughout society as well as in the University of Tokyo Green ICT Project. With our strong connection with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering as an asset, we foster talented individuals capable of designing in a wide range of fields, from technology development to institutional design, towards the construction of an environmentally friendly society.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
The supply of clean safe and economical energy is a prerequisite for building a sustainable society. Among various energy carriers, since it is easy to convert electric energy from other forms of energy such as heat, light, and chemical, and since inversely converting electric energy to other forms of energy is easy and highly controllable, it can be said that electric energy is the best. In the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering studies range from the generation and conversion from electric energy (nuclear fusion, solar power generation, wind power generation, etc.), to distribution (electric power systems, increased equipment capacity, lightning, etc.) and consumption (electric vehicles, railways, detoxification, etc.). We promote a wide sphere of education and research in order to design energy policies and regulations as well as component technologies related with energy thought to affect entire systems and society.
Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics
Pursue ‘universal principles and methodology’! These are the basis of science and technology. This is the goal of the Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics. Researching this ‘universal principles and methodology’ is indivisible from research in individual fields, and in the Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics research in various fields is conducted along with researching the ‘universal principles and methodology’.
In the ‘energy’ field, taking the goal of constructing a smart energy network system as an example, research we conduct includes mathematical modeling for systems and system analysis based on that, demand and supply prediction techniques, distribution control methods and the like, as well as sensor networks. In the department curriculum, students acquire ‘universal principles and methodology’ basics in lectures, develop principles and methodologies through research for graduation, and engage in resolving practical issues.
Department of Materials Engineering
The most important issues to keep in mind in the 21st century are the environment and energy, and students study base materials, which are the foundation of engineering, in the Materials B (Environment, Base Materials) Course. The diverse materials studied range from iron and steel, which have been continuously used in technological innovations, through to metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and organic materials which are essential for objects ranging from vehicles, airplanes, and large structures to fuel cells and high strength materials.
The field of materials engineering, in which all materials used in material civilization are the subject of research, is the foundation of all engineering. Our aim is to foster talented individuals who from a broad interdisciplinary stance have the capacity to contribute to the happiness of human society as a whole. In collaboration with the other two courses in the Department of Materials Engineering, we conduct education to cultivate extensive insight and we promote cutting-edge research.
Department of Chemical System Engineering
In the Department of Chemical System Engineering it is possible to analyze and control chemical phenomenon with scales from molecular to global in size, and with a focus on the systemization and design of these components, a chemical system engineering methodology can be acquired.
In this department, with chemistry as the foundation, with a comprehensive view of energy production, conversion, and storage, we pursue real solutions in order to realize a sustainable society. Specifically, regarding energy conversion and storage devices such as solar cells, photocatalysts, fuel cells, and storage batteries and the like, we clarify chemical and physical phenomena on an atomic and molecular scale, design materials and develop component technology based on fundamental science, and create logical systems and devices organically linking these; we also model social systems that integrate the component technology. The curriculum provides fundamental knowledge and graduation research addresses actual issues.
Department of Systems Innovation
In order to resolve energy issues, the comprehensive effective utilization of various energy sources, such as methane hydrate, petroleum/coal/natural gas, biomass, ocean energy, nuclear power, nuclear fusion and the like, is important. Accordingly, beginning with ensuring energy sources required for human livelihood and economic activity, resolving a range of issues including environmentally friendly methods for use is imperative. In addition to the development of advanced technology based on environmental and energy economics and resources and energy policy, planning unique strategies in the environmental and energy fields are important issues.
In the Department of Systems Innovation, we use advanced science and technology methods to resolve technical problems, and to create a rich social system, we foster talented individuals capable of demonstrating multidisciplinary leadership that integrates the humanities and sciences.