Site Policy

Site Policy

The domain is managed by the UTokyo School of Engineering Committee for Gender Equality.


Please send any questions or comments concerning this website to the Committee (danjo-eng (at) (Please replace (at) with"@" in the previously provided email address.)


The copyright for this website belongs to the UTokyo School of Engineering Committee for Gender Equality Copying or reproducing content from this website without permission is not allowed. However, copying or reproducing this content exclusively for your organization’s internal use is permissible.


【Page Links】
You are free to link any page on this website and to post the URL for any page in magazines, CD-ROMs, and the like. However, displaying any page from this website within the frame of your website is strictly prohibited.

【External Links】
The University of Tokyo is not responsible for the content of external links on this website. Furthermore, we do not accept requests to post external links on this website.