Physical Properties


Physical Properties

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Physical properties are the mechanical, thermal, electrical and optical properties of substances, and their knowledge is the basis of manufacturing. In particular, the conscious study of connections between machining, design and manufacturing becomes a powerful asset in development. In the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the physical properties of materials themselves can be understood at the molecular and quantum level and a "sense of physical properties" can be cultivated through machining, design and manufacturing experience and actually touching objects during practical training. In addition, cutting-edge research concerning physical properties in broad ranges is conducted for graduation theses on the heat flow in a microscopic space as seen in a fuel cell and in a living body; on the friction phenomena in bearings and solid contacts; on the material strength and fracture affecting the reliability of a device; on the thermal design of a device; on energy conversion as it relates to power generation and sensing technologies and the like.


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Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Aircraft, spacecraft, or possibly their propellers are exposed to severe environments that have extreme heat, very low temperatures, weightlessness, high vacuum, cosmic plasma, or ultra-high speeds that are not assumed to exist on the ground.


Through research in this department is conducted on equipment and devices that are highly reliable and have a long life even in these extreme environments, materials with extreme properties and their structure, propellers and the like operating in an extreme environment, we pursue the creation of objects that have never before been seen and aim to shape new frontiers.


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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

The materials and physical properties that sustain electrical and electronics engineering and information engineering from the foundation are studied. The materials and physical properties studied here beginning with semiconductors, are the properties of metals, dielectric substances, magnetic substances, organic and biomaterials as well as their composite constructions and nanostructures and the like. The physical properties and functions of these materials are used in devices and systems in a variety of fields including electronics, information, communication, energy, the environment, biotechnology, space technology and the like, and they are one of the fundamentals of modern science and technology to be mastered.


The realization of new materials and physical property functions brings technological innovation that changes society. There is great respect for exploratory science perspectives rooted in intellectual curiosity and applied technology, and cutting-edge research and development is conducted for graduation theses in each affiliated laboratory.


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Department of Applied Physics

Physical properties are an academic field in physics that clarifies and predicts the properties of substances as well as sustains 20th century technology and the lives of mankind. For example, our current life, which depends on electronic devices and information processing, is grounded on the discovery of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century, the subsequent rise of solid state physics, and moreover, the progress of semiconductor science and engineering.


The Department of Applied Physics began with a mechanics course which was established in 1901 and has been regarded in Japan as the hub for quantum mechanics development. To shape a 21st century science and engineering frontier, development necessitates getting back to basic physical properties. The Department of Applied Physics is a global base for such research activity.


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Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics

Pursue ‘universal principles and methodology’! These are the basis of science and technology. This is the goal of the Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics. Researching this ‘universal principles and methodology’ is indivisible from research in individual fields, and in the Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics research in various fields is conducted along with researching the ‘universal principles and methodology’.


Examples related to "physical properties" are the development of numerical simulation technologies for various physical phenomena such as superconductive phenomena, pattern formation and the like, and the development of measurement and control technologies as well as devices (magneto-optical imaging methods, high speed variable focus lenses, MEMS acoustic sensors, Fishbone acoustic sensors and the like) that make the maximum use of physical properties. In the department curriculum, students acquire ‘universal principles and methodology’ basics in lectures, develop principles and methodologies through research for graduation, and engage in resolving practical issues.


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Department of Material Engineering

Nanometer-scale controlled nanomaterials, which are key to advanced functional devices essential to every field, are studied in this course. Knowledge of sophistically engineered nanomaterials at the atomic and molecular level is indispensable in realizing devices such as fuel cells and solar cells. Key materials including semiconductors, metals, ceramics, organic materials and the like cannot be produced without the knowledge acquired in the Material C (Nanomaterials) course. The field of materials engineering, in which all materials used in material civilization are the subject of research, is the foundation of all engineering. Our aim is to foster talented individuals who from a broad interdisciplinary stance have the capacity to contribute to the happiness of human society as a whole.


In collaboration with the other two courses in the Department of Materials Engineering, we conduct education to cultivate extensive insight and we promote cutting-edge research.


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Department of Chemical System Engineering

In the Department of Chemical System Engineering it is possible to analyze and control chemical phenomena with scales ranging from molecular to global in size, and with a focus on the systemization and design of these components, a chemical system engineering methodology can be acquired.


This department covers subjects in a wide range of fields including energy, the environment, materials, biotechnology, medical treatment, and the like, and its merit is addressing the physical properties of a given substance in actual combination with environmental influences that occur in a reaction field and the like. Lectures and experiments promote a deepened understanding of the properties of various fluids and solids, and the evaluation of phenomena such as mass transfer and heat transfer affected by them is studied. Furthermore, the laboratories propose new material design guidelines on the active application of various physical properties, for instance the adsorption behavior of fluids, molecular recognition, photo- and electrochemical properties among others, and their subsequent mathematical modeling and evaluation.


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