
5月6日(金)開催 南豪講師によるセミナーのご案内 "Development of Chemical Sensors based on Organic Thin Film Transistors Functionalized with Molecular Recognition Materials"

作成者: Admin|Apr 22, 2016 9:48:00 AM



スピーカー:  南豪講師(東京大学 生産技術研究所 物質・環境系部門 )
タイトル: Development of Chemical Sensors based on Organic Thin Film Transistors Functionalized with Molecular Recognition Materials
日付: 2016年5月6日(金)
場所: 東京大学 本郷キャンパス(浅野地区)  工学部9号館1階大会議室
Organic Transistor; Molecular Recognition; Chemical Sensor
I n the realm of electronics, organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) are one of the most interesting devices owing to their flexibility, printability, ultra-small thickness, and low manufacturing costs. Although OTFTs have been thus far largely applied to rollable displays, interest in OTFTs and their advantages have extended beyond information displays to sensor applications. OTFT-based physical sensors are being researched extensively, while chemical sensors are still in their early stages. In that regard, we have successfully demonstrated OTFT-based chemical sensors functionalized with supramolecular artificial receptors, the latest results of which will be discussed in my presentation. 
スポンサー: JST ERATO
コンタクト: 染谷隆夫(教授)
(Email:  someya@ee.t.u-t-okyo.ac.jp, Phone: 03-5841-0411)