
ノーベル賞選考を行っているスウェーデン王立科学アカデミーの協力のもと、ストックホルム国際水研究所が決定している「ストックホルム水大賞」は、世界で最も権威のある水関連の賞です。2024年、東京大学大学院工学系研究科教授 沖 大幹先生が受賞者に選ばれ、国連が定めた「世界水の日」(3月22日)に発表されました。日本人の受賞は23年ぶり3人目の受賞となります。今回、グローバルな水収支、仮想水の世界的な流れ、再生可能な水資源量の時空間変動に関する研究への卓越した貢献が評価され、受賞の運びとなりました。8月に「ストックホルム世界水週間」の一環として、王室による授賞式がストックホルム市庁舎にて行なわれ、スウェーデン国王カール16世グスタフ国王より授与される予定です。

The Stockholm Water Prize, determined by the Stockholm International Water Institute in cooperation with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which selects the Nobel Prize, is the most prestigious water-related prize in the world. In 2024, Dr. Taikan Oki, Professor of the School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, was selected as the winner, and the award was announced on the United Nations-designated "World Water Day" (March 22). He is the third Japanese recipient, and the first in 23 years, to be awarded the prize. The award was given in recognition of Professor Oki's outstanding contributions to research on the global water balance, the global flow of virtual water, and spatio-temporal variations in the amount of renewable water resources. The award will be presented by King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at a royal ceremony at Stockholm City Hall in August as part of "Stockholm World Water Week".


沖教授は、複雑系の数値モデリングを通じて人間が水、気候、生物圏をいかに変化させているかに関する重要な洞察を提供し、水文学、気候変動、持続可能性の間の結びつき(nexus)に関する理解を大きく前進させる卓越した学識を示しました。沖教授の主な科学的貢献は、水管理と気候変動における重要な変数である「総貯水量」に光を当てた点にあります。特に、世界の主要河川のデジタルマッピングである沖教授のTotal Runoff Integrating Pathways(TRIP)は、世界で最も広く利用されており、世界の河川流量を従来よりもはるかに正確に定量化し、さまざまな土地管理や気候シナリオのもとで必要とされる緑の水資源(土壌水分)を明らかにしました。グローバルな水収支、仮想水の世界的な流れ、再生可能な水資源量の時空間変動に関する研究への沖教授の卓越した貢献が評価され、今回の受賞となりました。

Professor Oki has provided important insights into how humans are changing water, climate, and the biosphere through numerical modeling of complex systems, and has demonstrated outstanding scholarship that has greatly advanced our understanding of the nexus between hydrology, climate change, and sustainability. Professor Oki's main scientific contribution is in shedding light on a key variable in water management and climate change: total water storage. In particular, Professor Oki's Total Runoff Integrating Pathways (TRIP), a digital mapping of the world's major rivers, is the most widely used in the world, quantifying global river flows much more accurately than previously possible and revealing the green water resources (soil moisture) required under various land management and climate scenarios. Professor Oki's outstanding contributions to research on the global water balance, global flows of virtual water, and spatio-temporal variations in renewable water resource quantities have been recognized with this award.

Stockholm Water Prize

Hydrologist Taikan Oki becomes 2024 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate

2024: Professor Taikan Oki, Japan



沖 大幹 教授の受賞コメント  Comments from the prize winner (Prof. Oki)

prof.oki_001水分野では世界最高峰であるストックホルム水大賞に選ばれ、身に余る光栄を感じています。藤井 輝夫総長をはじめご推薦いただいた皆様方、審査いただいた方々、恩師である虫明功臣東京大学・福島大学名誉教授をはじめとする先輩諸氏、学内外ならびに国内外の同僚の皆様方、一緒に研究をしてくださった卒業生・修了生の皆様、そして家族や友人に深く感謝します。

I feel deeply honored to be selected for the Stockholm Water Prize, the world's most prestigious prize in the field of water. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to President Teruo Fujii and all those who recommended me for the prize, to the judges, to my mentors including Professor Emeritus Katsumi Mushiake of the University of Tokyo and Fukushima University, to my colleagues inside and outside the university as well as in Japan and abroad, to the alumni and graduates who have conducted research with me, and to my family and friends.


日本人として3人目、日本に本拠を置く研究者としては初めてという事態に、大変身の引き締まる思いです。自分が面白いと思った地球規模の水循環に関する研究を他の方々からも面白いと思っていただけたのに加えて、世界の水問題や気候変動問題が学術的にも社会的にも重要課題になり、注目を浴びるようになったのが大変幸運だったと感じています。理論的な水文学で高名なMITPeter S. Eagleson博士、水マネジメントにおける社会経済的側面の重要さを説いた A. K.Biswas博士、仮想水貿易という概念を生み出した J. Anthony Allan博士、水文学の包括的な大著の教科書でも知られる Wilfried Brutsaert博士ら、多少面識のある歴代の受賞者の皆様の顔ぶれを改めて拝見するとまさに圧倒される思いで、彼らのように研究を通じて世界の水問題解決にもっと貢献しなければならないという途方もない重圧を感じています。受賞を機に世界の水資源の持続可能な利用と保護に資する教育研究にさらに邁進する所存です。

It is a great honor for me to be the third Japanese and the first researcher based in Japan to receive this award. In addition to the fact that other people found my research on the global water cycle interesting, I feel very fortunate that the world's water and climate change issues have become important academic and social issues and have attracted much attention. Dr. Peter S. Eagleson of MIT, renowned for his theoretical hydrology; Dr. A. K. Biswas, who has taught the importance of the socioeconomic aspects of water management; Dr. J. Anthony Allan, who created the concept of virtual water trade; Dr. Wilfried Brutsaert; and others with whom I am somewhat acquainted; it is truly overwhelming to look at the faces of past laureates such as these, and I feel tremendous pressure to contribute more to solving the world's water problems through research like they did. I am determined to use this award as an opportunity to further pursue education and research that will contribute to the sustainable use and protection of the world's water resources.


沖 大幹(おき たいかん)Taikan Oki
東京大学 総長特別参与/大学院工学系研究科社会基盤学専攻教授
Special Counselor to the President / Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

1964年 東京生まれ、西宮育ち
1989年 東京大学大学院工学系研究科修了
1989年 東京大学助手
1993年 博士(工学、東京大学)
1994年 気象予報士
1995年 東京大学講師等を経て2006年より生産技術研究所教授
Born in Tokyo in 1964; grew up in Nishinomiya
Completed the Graduate School of Engineering at The University of Tokyo in 1989
Became a Research Assistant at The University of Tokyo in 1989
Received a Doctor of Engineering degree at The University of Tokyo in 1993
Became a certified Weather Forecaster in 1994
After working as a lecturer at the University of Tokyo in 1995, became a Professor at the Institute of Industrial Science from 2006
Concurrently Senior Vice-Rector of the United Nations University and Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations from 2016 to 2021
Special Counselor to the University of Tokyo President  from 2017
Current position from 2020

土木工学、特に水文学(すいもんがく)、 地球規模の水循環と世界の水資源に関する研究
Civil engineering, especially hydrology; research on global water cycle and global water resources
He has served as the lead author of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and as a member of the National Land Council, among others.

『水の未来』(岩波新書、2016年)、『水危機 ほんとうの話』(新潮選書、2012年)、『水の世界地図第2版』(監訳、丸善出版、2011年)など
The Future of Water (Iwanami Shinsho, 2016); Water Crisis: The True Story (Shincho Sensho, 2012); Water World Map 2nd Edition (Supervised translation, Maruzen Publishing, 2011); etc.

2023年ヨーロッパ地球科学連合(EGU)John Dalton Medal

Many awards, including the Biwako Prize for Ecology, the Nikkei Global Environmental Technology Award, and the Japan Academy Academic Encouragement Award.
Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in 2014
Dooge Medal, International Hydrological Award, 2021
John Dalton Medal, European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2023

2023年10月よりEarth CommissionのCommissioner
External Advisor Positions, etc.:

Since October 2020, Member of the Science Council of Japan (Director of Division III since October 2023) and Full Member of the Club of Rome
Since October 2021, Part-time Research Director of the Tokyo Foundation Institute for Policy Studies, in charge of the "Future Water Vision" program; President of the Hydrological and Water Resources Society of Japan.
Since October 2023, Commissioner of the Earth Commission

Professor Taikan Oki's website:
河川研究室 (River and Environmental Engineering Lab, UTokyo) :
Global Hydrology Group:
社会基盤学専攻 (Department of Civil Engineering):

ストックホルム水大賞(Stockholm Water Prize: SIWI):
プレスリリース (Press release):
受賞・表彰 (Awards and recognitions):