
The WET Excellent Presentation Awardを工学系の学生5名受賞


The WET Excellent Presentation Awardを工学系の学生5名が受賞しました。

The WET Excellent Presentation Award
WET優秀発表賞は、Water and Environment Technology Conferenceでの優れたプレゼンテーションに授与されます。

Poopipattana Chomphunut 都市工学専攻 2020年博士課程修了

In order to protect the water quality in Odaiba coastal area, a famous location for recreational activities, the impact of combined sewer overflow (CSO) pollutants need to be understood.
We developed the 3D water quality model which predicts fate of E. coli as microbial marker and compounds in the group of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) as chemical markers representing the diffusion of CSO pollutants. The model was evaluated through comparison with field measurements. It was found to be useful to evaluate fecal contamination in the coastal area.

I am thankful for the support to do this work. I will continue to do research which involves solving issues related to water environment.

遠坂 優  化学生命工学専攻 修士課程2年



板倉 綾音  都市工学専攻 修士課程1年

都市の雨天時流出水へ環境DNA分析を適用し衛生動物のモニタリングをするため、齧歯類起源試料のD N A量の定量と模擬都市雨天時流出水を作成しD N Aの回収率の評価を実施した。


鳥居 将太郎  都市工学専攻 博士課程3年

流入水中からエンベロープウイルスを濃縮・検出する方法を最適化し、2020 年 7 月に東京都で採水された流入下水から新型コロナウイルス RNA を検出することに成功した。本手法は流入下水の水質の違いによる影響を受けにくい方法と考えられる。

広く日本において下水中のコロナウイルス RNA を測定することにより、感染流行状況の把握を可能とし、クラスターの早期発見など安全・安心社会の一助となる可能性があると考えている。さらなる検出感度の向上に向けてさらに手法最適化に関する研究を進めたい。

Rahmatika Iftita 都市工学専攻  2020年博士課程修了

The title of the research is “One-Year Monitoring of Microbial Regrowth and Occurrence of Opportunistic Pathogen After Stagnation in Premise Plumbing”. Premise plumbing is considered as a hotspot where microbial water quality can be deteriorated. In this study, microbial water quality was evaluated from eight tap water samples in a building over four seasons in one year. Samples were obtained before and after 24 h of stagnation. The results demonstrated that water stagnation results in chlorine decay and increase of total cell counts (14-220 folds). Nanopore sequencing revealed the presence of opportunistic pathogens, such as M. gordonae, M. haemophilum, L. feeleii, L. maceachernii, and L. micdadei. This result suggests that potential health risk might increase after water stagnation in premise plumbing.

Previous investigations demonstrated that several pathogenic bacteria, such as nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), was frequently detected in drinking water. NTM can expose to human through inhalation from shower or aspiration through drinking water. NTM is known as a cause of pulmonary infections and the occurrence of NTM disease in Japan is among the highest worldwide. However, the research on NTM in drinking water is still limited. In my future works as Postdoctoral researcher, I thus aim to evaluate the occurrence of NTM in drinking water in Japan and to understand the factors affecting their persistence and growth.