- 2018
特別講義 by Mr. Perry Rivera, COO Manila Water 7月2日
工学部社会基盤学科・工学系研究科社会基盤学専攻が提供する講義「国際プロジェクトのケーススタディE」では、大都市マニラに安全な水を届けることに成功したマニラウォーターCOOのMr. Perry Rivera氏をお迎えし、ゲスト講義を7月2日の2限(10:25-12:10)に開催します。大変貴重な機会ですので、受講者以外の参加も歓迎します。参加希望者は、以下に従ってご連絡をお願いいたします。
#Date and Time: July 2nd, 10:25-12:10
#Venue: Room 14, Engineering Bldg. 1, Hongo Campus
#Language: English
#Registration: Mail your name and affiliation to Secretary Ms. Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Note: Students who are taking the Case Studies course do not need to register.
#Contact: Assist. Prof. So Morikawa (morikawa@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Mr. Perry Rivera, COO Manila Water will share insights on the journey of Manila Water to deliver 24x7 safe drinking water to millions of households in the city. He is the author of the book Tap Secrets. At this interactive session he will share (i) what were major achievements, what were the contributing success factors; (ii) what were the major challenges, how did they overcome them; (iii) what are the lessons learned for young persons who wish to play a role in the water and sanitation sector in their respective countries.
The session will be chaired by Prof KE Seetha Ram.