Lecture series for Junior and Senior High Schools: Yamawaki Junior & Senior High School

Written by Public Relations Office | Jul 13, 2023 8:00:00 AM


On 13 July 2023, the lecture was held at Yamawaki Junior & Senior High School and was attended by more than 600 participants, including students, parents, and teachers.  After listening to his talk, which focused on tackling SDG issues and introducing early-stage female researchers who are actively working in the world, he received comments such as "I want to be that female researcher who looks so attractive in those presentation slides" and "I thought the research at the Faculty of Engineering has the potential to change the world".  During the Q&A session after his talk, the participants listened as Professor Kato shared his experiences and mottos as a researcher.  There were many compliments and words of encouragement, including "I want to be a researcher like Professor Kato!".


Midori Aoki (Metaverse School of Engineering)