Lecture series for Junior and Senior High Schools: Showa Women's University Junior-Senior High School

Written by Public Relations Office | Jun 10, 2023 8:00:00 AM


On 10 June 2023, the first lecture of FY 2023 for junior and senior high schools was held at Showa Women's University Junior-Senior High School and was attended by many junior and senior high school students, parents, and teachers. The lecture introduced the cutting-edge research being conducted at the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Engineering and explained how this research is helping the world to prepare students for the DX society of the future. After the lecture, many students gathered for a very active question and answer session on topics such as "How should I approach my studies as a junior and senior high school student?" and "The coming society of women in the future".


Midori Aoki (Metaverse School of Engineering)