Ryuji Imayoshi, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, won a Poster Award in the 61st Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry

Written by Admin | Nov 20, 2014 3:00:00 PM


Ryuji Imayoshi in the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, won a Poster Award in the 61st Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry.


<About awarded research>

Transformation of molecular dinitrogen (nitrogen fixation) requires harsh reaction conditions because molecular dinitrogen is quite stable and unreactive. Although catalytic conversion of molecular dinitrogen under mild reaction conditions by using transition metal complexes has been intensively studied for a long time, there are only a few successful examples. We have recently found that some cobalt complexes work as effective catalysts for transformation of molecular dinitrogen into silylamine, which is an ammonia equivalent. This is the first successful example of cobalt-catalyzed transformation of molecular dinitrogen under ambient conditions.  



It is great pleasure for me to receive this poster award. I really appreciate Assoc. Prof. Yoshiaki Nishibayashi and all our lab members for kind instruction.