Information Regarding the Approach of Typhoon #19


Dear students, faculty, and staff,

School of Engineering 

Due to the approach of super typhoon #19, on October 14th (Tuesday) public transportation systems are expected to be disrupted from regular schedules. Please be sure to review the following information and prepare accordingly.

1. Regarding classes on Tuesday, October 14th:

If JR, Tokyo Metro, and other railway services in the Tokyo metropolitan area are completely suspended, lectures will be cancelled in accordance with the following criteria:

If, during the two hour period before a given class is scheduled to begin, rail service is suspended, the concerned lecture will be cancelled.p

2. If JR, Tokyo Metro, and other railway services in the Tokyo metropolitan area are not completely suspended, please follow directions provided by your department.

3. If the mode of transportation you use experiences significant disruption, or if commuting to work or school would be dangerous, please do not push yourself to attend. Consider your personal safety above all.

(Source: General Affairs Group, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology)