Youhei Fujigaki, Department of Urban Engineering, wins "14th MAS Competition"


Youhei Fujigaki, Department of Urban Engineering, wins "14th MAS Competition".
MAS competition is a competition for researches using Multi-AgentSimulation software "artisoc". In the competition, authors of selected papers made presentations oftheir research,and judges, who are the professors from various fields using MAS, gavethem comments and decided the winner.


<about awarded research>

I constructed an operation simulation of "shared-riding taxi", a new public transportation service,and proposed methods for analyzing feasibility of the service.The simulation enables planners not only to calculate expected wait time in given demand and number of vehicles,but also to visualize the operating-situation and to control variables easily,which enhances discussions among stakeholders.




I would like to do further study to make the simulation more useful for actual service planning, and to bridge researches and actual business sites.