Young Faculty:Lecturer Masaki Nishikawa

Written by Public Relations Office | Jul 28, 2021 3:00:00 PM


Young Faculty / 054


Lecturer Masaki Nishikawa, Chemical System Engineering, Sakai-Nishikawa Lab.


Mar, 2003 BS Chemical System Engineering, University of Tokyo,
Mar, 2005 MS Chemical System Engineering, University of Tokyo,
Mar, 2008 PhD Chemical System Engineering, University of Tokyo,
Apr, 2008 Research Scientist UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, GLAVAHS at Sepulveda
Apr, 2012 Assistant Researcher UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, GLAVAHS at Sepulveda
Feb, 2019 Lecturer Chemical System Engineering, University of Tokyo,

<About the Research>
Our goal is to promote human health through the understanding and manipulation of the body’s multi-scale systems from molecules to organs. To achieve this goal, comprehensive and object-oriented integration of multidisciplinary knowledge is required. We conduct our research by motivating ourselves to be both specialist and generalist and by facilitating effective collaborations. 
There are three major research themes.
[Control of stem cell proliferation and differentiation]
Stem cells are an indispensable ingredient in regenerative medicine and drug development. We develop technologies to enable low-cost, large-scale, and high-quality production.    
[Construction of tissues and organs]
By using stem and matured cells, we construct large-scale organs for regenerative medicine and miniature organs for drug development. 
[Construction of multiscale computer simulation models]
By utilizing data obtained from the constructed tissues and organs, we work on “virtual human”, multiscale computer simulation models that connect from molecules to the body. 

<Future aspirations>
We have just started research and development on a next-gen procedure for tissue construction! We hope to release details soon. Our research will contribute to regenerative medicine, drug development, preventive healthcare, and the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) in animal and preclinical testing.