On 29th November 2019, Song Jungmin(M2), Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems (EEIS), won the 2019 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR) Excellent Paper Award (Second Price).
<About awarded research>
Paper: J.Song, H.Kim, R.Natsuaki, A.Hirose,"Experimental analysis on spatial resolution and convergence of Poincare parameter versus window-size for ALOS-2 and Pi-SAR-L2 observations"
This paper discovers that the spatial-averaging window size appropriate to realize both the reduction of speckle noise and the statistical stability in PolSAR process is independent of actual observation resolution. Then it proposes a new assumption about the relationship between resolution and speckle noise in PolSAR systems.
<Your impression & future plan>
It is a great pleasure that I received the Excellent Paper Award in this international conference. I am grateful to Professor Hirose, who is my supervisor. I will make a greater effort in the future.
link : https://www.eis.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/news/20191129APSAR2019Song/