Associate Professor Yasunori Kikuchi, in Department of Chemical System Engineering (Associate Professor at Institute for Future Initiatives), received the Outstanding Paper Award in the KagakuKogakuRonbunshu.
<About awarded research>
Pilot Scale Demonstrationof Technologies for Enhancing Production of Sugar and Ethanol from Sugarcane, KagakuKogakuRonbunshu, 44(4) p.260-270,2018
Satoshi Ohara (Asahi Group Holdings), Yoshifumi Terajima (Kyusyu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences), Yasunori Kikuchi (the University of Tokyo), Yasuhiro Fukushima (Tohoku University), Takaomi Yasuhara (Asahi Group Holdings) and Akira Sugimoto (Asahi Group Holdings, Kyusyu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences)
An industry-university joint research for enhancing production of sugar and ethanol from sugarcane by installing agricultural and industrial technology options
<Your impression & future plan>
Scalling up for promoting the social implementation of this technology system.