Volunteer team "The Wright Staff" won the 14th Noshiro Space Event


19th August 2018, a volunteer team in Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (The Wright Staff) won the 14th Noshiro Space Event(Competition of CANSAT Flyback).

Team Name : The Wright Staff

Members :
Kosuke Kobayashi
Kenta Suda
Temma Fujisawa
Taku Teshima
Tatsuya Arai
Syoko Kai
Ayuto Manabe

Affiliation :
Engineering, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Junior, B3

The 14th Noshiro Space Event (The event which about 40 team rival each other in the performance of their cansat(=the satellite whose sizes are about cans))
Comeback competition of a Flyback “The First Prize”

They challenge a flyback which mean to expand an airplane from a can in the air and to head for the goal. They are the pioneer of a stable flight by autopilot in the history of Noshiro Space Event.

We really appreciate not only to success the flight but also to receive this prize.
In September we have the 20th ARLISS (=the worldwide competition of a cansat).
In order to return a person’s favours, to let our airplane flap, we will do our best.


Commemorative photographing at the Institute for Innovation in International Engineering Education Project Engineering Education Center
(Faculty of Engineering Building 8, 2nd Floor, Basement 0037)
We also produced aircraft while receiving assistance from center staff.

At the venue


Award-winning landscape


A certificate




Convention scenery


MP4 is here.......