Fellow award ceremony, Prof. Shengchuan Zhao

Written by Admin | Jun 28, 2018 3:00:00 PM


On June 29th, 2018, Dean Okubo, School of Engineering, awarded Professor Shengchuan Zhao, Dean of School of Transportation and Logistics, Director of International Office, Dalian University of Technology, China.

The title “Fellow, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo” will be granted to persons who have their main base of activity at institutions abroad and who have carried out distinguished achievements in scholarship or education in the engineering field as well as meritorious service to the education or research at this school through exchanges with it and whose continued support via exchanges can be expected.

Prof. Zhao has widely contributed to the field of urban transportation planning, particularly with a focus of travel behavior analysis. As a Principal Investigator, he has overseen a number of projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China ((NSFC), and is leading researches in the fields of Empirical study of car ownership and usage in China, Fundamental study on induced traffic, Travel behavioral study with smart phone data, Public-Private Partnership in infrastructure, and Measurement of external costs of road traffic accident. The research works have been published at the top journals such as Transportation Research Part A and Journal of Transport Geography. He also received The Best Paper Award for Theoretical Development at the 11th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Cebu, Philippines, in September 2015.

As the director of international office of Dalian University of Technology (DUT), Prof. Zhao played a key role for the renewal of the academic exchange agreement between DUT and IIS, the University of Tokyo (UTokyo), as well as for the establishment of student exchange program between DUT and School of Engineering, UTokyo. Many students from DUT have been sent to UT and a number of UT professors have been invited to give seminars and lectures at DUT. He also collaborated with COE project called as Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration cSUR and attended the workshops and symposiums and co-authored chapters in the books titled as “Sustainable Urban Transportation in Asia Context” and “Sustainable City Regions: Space, Place, and Governance”. Prof. Zhao received International Outstanding Collaboration Award from Japan Society of Civil Engineers in 2016.



Dean Okubo and Prof. Zhao with a plaque, Prof. Noboru Harada