【Awards and Commendations】Hirotake Udono, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, wins a Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at The MMPE2017(Third International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering).

Written by Public Relations Office | May 17, 2017 3:00:00 PM


On 10th May 2017, Hirotake Udono(D1), Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management,wins a Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at The MMPE2017( Third International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering).
This award was given for the study that have quality of content and presentation at the poster session at this symposium.



<About awarded research>

We’re currently working on inertial microfluidics. Micro particles exhibit focusing behavior in a counterintuitive way when they flow with the fluid at high throughput through microchannels. This unique behavior facilitates continuous high-throughput manipulation of fine particles such as cells in fluids. We had already developed a new method that can simulate properly the dynamics of focusing of particles flowing in microchannels.
At the symposium, I presented important guidelines as to the effect of the microfluidic channel length with periodic boundary conditions on the particle behavior.



It was my great honor to win the award at the symposium. I really appreciate Prof. Mikio Sakai for his sincere guidance and advice, the secretaries for their kind support, and all of my colleagues. To deserve this award, I’ll keep full commitment to my work.