Keiichi Yano (D1), Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, wins a IPC2016 Young Scientist Poster Award at IPC2016

Written by Public Relations Office | Jan 9, 2017 3:00:00 PM


On 16th December 2016, Mr. Keiichi Yano, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, wins a IPC2016 Young Scientist Poster Award at at The 11th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2016).
This award has been given to a few presenters who have done outstanding results, excellent presentation and enthusiasm in research presented at The 11th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2016).



<About awarded research>
Discotic molecules are known to self-assemble into a columnar liquid crystal (LC) phase, which is a promising soft material to be utilized for electronics and memories. However, its slow response to applied external stimuli has been recognized as a huge drawback for practical applications. Here we succeeded in constructing a highly responsive columnar LC from rod-shaped LC molecules doped with a designer discotic dopant. The resultant hybrid columnar LC showed rapid response to an applied electric field. In addition, we achieved to control the orientation of columns into two orthogonal directions by changing the condition of an applied electric field.



I'm very happy to receive this award. I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Takuzo Aida and also lab members. I will devote myself to studying and deepening my research.