Assistant Professor Qi An wins a Best Paper Award Finalist in The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous System

Written by Public Relations Office | Aug 3, 2016 3:00:00 PM


Assistant Professor Qi An, Technical Staff Hiroshi Yamakawa, Associate Professor Atsushi Yamashita, ProfessorHajime Asama, Department of Precision Engineering, wins a Best Paper Award Finalist in The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous System.Based on the results of peer review, this award is given to the top five papers among more than 100 papers presented in IAS14.



<About awarded research>

Previously our research group has been analyzed human sit-to-stand motion and found that humans coordinated the small numbers of modules (called synergy) to achieve the motion.
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On the other hand, other previous studies show that human also utilized muscle synergies to generate human bipedal locomotion. In a daily life, humans do not only stand up, but often walking motion follows after standing-up. However, it has not been clarified yet how humans achieve this transit motion from sitting posture to walking.

Our current study measured and analyzed motion trajectory, reaction force and muscle activity during sit-to-walk motion. As a result, we found that the same muscle synergy from sit-to-stand and walking motion could account for muscle activity of sit-to-walk motion. Moreover, it was implied that humans adaptively activate each muscle synergy when they initiate the first step, extend the whole body, and stabilize the posture during transit motion.



< Comments >

It is our pleasure to be selected as a finalist of Best Paper Award. We will proceed our research to receive Best Paper Award in the next conference.