October 31 (Mon) to November 1 (Tue) , Invitation for WWEC2016TOKYO

Written by Admin | Oct 25, 2016 9:48:00 AM


I am pleased to announce that we are approaching the opening of WWEC20116TOKYO on October 31st, Monday, at Yasuda Auditorium et al. This is the first conference of World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) in Japan. The Opening Ceremony and Invited Lectures will be held on October 31st from 9:00 to 12:00 at Yasuda Auditorium. Any interested visitors are welcome. Admission of the Opening Ceremony and Invited Lectures are free. Yasuda Auditorium has a seating capacity of 1,000. There is no standing room.

Please refer to the following URL for information about the conference programs.


Chairperson of World Wind Energy Conference
Professor of The University of Tokyo
Chuichi Arakawa