Public Symposium “Structural shift of publicness and social capital in Risk Society” February 27, 2016



Public Symposium “Structural shift of publicness and social capital in Risk Society” was held at No.31 lecture room, Eng.#8, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo. About 90 attendants come to join the symposium.

Leading researcher Prof. Dirk Helbing(ETHZ)presented invited lecture “How to Build a Smart Digital Society Together”, which impressed us very much.

In addition, 4 speakers provided topics in sociology, economics, informatics fields respectively.

Thank you for your corporation.

Invited Lecture by Prof. Dirk Helbing(ETHZ)


It is the age of the risk society.

Social media have been rapidly growing and cross-interacting each other that influence to our social capitals, which consists of trust relationships.

In this symposium, we invite the leading researcher Prof. Dirk Helbing from ETHZ.

We are going to discuss and understand the process and conditions how to form publicness and social capital form the viewpoint of computational social sciences.




Date: 27th Feb. 2016(Sat)
Venue: No.31 lecture room, Eng.#8, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo

Program:                        Chairperson : AP Fujio Toriumi (Tokyo University)
13:00〜13:10 Opening remarks Prof. Kamihigashi Takashi(Kobe University)
13:10〜14:10 Invited lecture Prof. Dirk Helbing(ETHZ)
14:10〜14:40 Keynote speech Prof. Kaoru Endo(Gakushuin University)
14:50〜16:50 Panel Discussion
16:50〜17:00 Closing Prof. Yoshimichi Sato(Tohoku University)


Contact:  tori(at)sys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (please replace at to @)
Fujio Toriumi(Department of Systems innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)